Best of 2011...

The Story of Film has been picked by Time Out magazine as the TV highlight of the year. TV editor Gabriel Tate made Mark Cousin's epic journey across cinema history his number one pick. Read the article here.

Mark Cousins’s monumental undertaking was simply magnificent, keynote television to rank alongside ‘Civilisation’ or ‘The Ascent of Man’. It looked like our dreams, indeed.

Exclusive pics of 1911 shoot: Suffragettes

photograph by Robin Mitchell

In 1911 the Suffragette movement is gaining momentum.  The moderates, advocating persuasion, are getting nowhere and direct, sometimes violent action is increasing.  In November 1911 the suffragettes storm parliament and, armed with hammers and bricks, break windows in government buildings, gentleman’s clubs and newspaper offices. One suffragette, Maggie (Hannah Donaldson), is caught in the midst. 

Commissioned by BBC Learning

Exclusive pics of 1911 shoot: Singer Factory Strike

photograph by Robin Mitchell

There's a walk out at the Singer Factory, Clydebank. One of the biggest multinational factories in Europe is brought to a stand still when ten thousand workers go on strike. The factory women play a major role in leading the strike and Jane Rae (Pauline Goldsmith) is brought before the bosses to face the consequences.

Commissioned by BBC Learning

Exclusive pics of 1911 shoot: South Pole

photograph by Robin Mitchell

The race to the South Pole began when both the British and the Norwegian expeditions reach Antarctica in January 1911. Amundsun and Scott spend much of the year training and preparing for their attempts on the Pole. Here, Amundsun (Brian McCardie) tells his story of his victorious and treacherous journey.

Commissioned by BBC Learning.

Exclusive pics of 1911 shoot: Missing Mona Lisa

photograph by Robin Mitchell

Leonardo Da Vinci's famous portrait; Mona Lisa goes missing from the Louvre. The theft goes unnoticed by the guards until art enthusiast, Louis Beroud (Matthew Zajac) alerts them to it. At first the police are convinced the painting has been stolen as an artistic declaration of war from the new guard against the old. 

Commissioned by BBC Learning

Asylum claims two awards

Congratulations to writer/director Joern Utkilen who has won two awards for his short film Asylum (produced by Carolynne Sinclair Kidd and Matthieu de Braconier).

Asylum won the audience award at Festival du Film de Vendome and Best Short Award at Bergen International Film Festival.

To follow more news on the film, follow Asylum on facebook.

Or say congrats to Joern on his Twitter page.

Project 101 to feature Clara Glynn and John Archer

Hopscotch filmmakers Clara Glyn and John Archer have been selected as part of a collective of 40 artists to feature short films in Project 101, New York. The installation features 101 silent films of exactly 101 seconds long and will be displayed on an array of monitors in the store front space.

The exhibit will be on from 4th-25th November 2011, 501 Lex at 47th St. For more information visit


Standing ovation for Mark Cousins at Toronto International Film Festival

Here's the band of avid audience who attended every day of the five days premiere of The Story of Film: An Odyssey at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Indiewire called it 'orgiastic' in its review and find out what the audience thought here.

Travelling to Toronto!

For more information and screening times see the website here.

We also have an exclusive sneak peak behind the scenes of the making of The Story of Film. When Mark filmed in Ouagadougou with his crew, the locals did everything they could to help out!

Story of Film: The Jib shot from Hopscotch Films on Vimeo.